Reasons why you might be failing in exams

It is easy to get overconfident about your preparation about a certain exam and thinking that you will get past it. If you think you have cleared CFA level 1 easily, you may also be able to clear the upcoming levels as well but this is not always the case. Most students get stuck on one of the stages or subjects which is why here we have jot down all the reasons this might keep happening.
- Lack of preparation
With exams like ACCA and CFA you could very easily be pressured by the examination dates and would want to move to the next stage but in doing so, you may not be completely prepared for the exam. There could be several other reasons for your lack of preparation but when this happens, you are bound to lose points on some of the easiest questions as well because you may feel intimidated by the whole exam paper.
- Wrong medium of study
The way you manage your time and choose to study plays a major role in how you will perform in exam. For example, if you are a full time working student and opt for traditional classes then you may not be doing it the right way. For a full time working student, online classes could be a good option. Then even if you are investing all your time in studying that way, you may not be able to ace the exam because your mind will be in a hundred different places at the same time.
- Leaving a few questions
This is never a good practice to be involved in because you can never be a hundred percent sure about the other answers that if they will be accurate or not. The questions which you plan on leaving could be the ones that could have scored you high. Even if you don’t know the answer to them we would still suggest you to fill the blank space somehow because you never know you could get scores for your efforts.
- You stress a lot
Being stressed and nervous before the exam is pretty common but you need to make sure that you control that stress and not let it colour your exam. This way you will get the questions, which you know and are good at, wrong.
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